Welcome to Family Faith Formation
Immaculate Conception Church offers a welcoming environment for all children who participate in the Faith Formation Program. We strive to complement the family shared experience of love and caring for one another, by bringing God alive in their daily lives. Each child will learn about Catholic teachings, prayers, practices, morals, values, responsibilities and mission helping them grow in their faith and deepen their personal relationship with Jesus. We strive to make all disciples in Christ.
Our students formally begin in first grade learning about the Catholic Church and its teachings while developing their faith and personal relationship with God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the workings and guidance of the Holy Spirit within them. As a journey of faith, this is accomplished over time with active participation in the faith community as an integral part. Topics are introduced in developmentally appropriate stages.
All our programs are in conformity with the guidelines and policies of the Archdioceses of Newark. Further, Immaculate Conception Church staff and volunteers, who come into regular contact with children, have completed and are current with the requirements of the Archdiocese of Newark, Office of Safe Environments.
For more information, email FamilyFaith@montclaircatholics.org.​